
Dec 17, 2017

Tribal Mentality Not Very Emotionally Intelligent

Emotional Intelligence is INCLUSIVE, not Exclusive. It does not create an Us/VS/Them mentality. This is one of the many problems in Bi-racial relationships: many times the INDIVIDUALS are not accepted by either race.

This may not seem like a Christmas post, but it actually VERY SADLY IS. What is particularly hurtful is when I hear American Black Women espousing Misogynistic attitudes towards White Women.

I was already thinking along these lines when I woke up this morning, sitting down to write today’s piece.

Then in doing what I thought would be a quick fact-check I found something so stunningly hurtful & BACKWARDS, it has taken a couple of hours to regain my composure, & get my Zen Buddha on to even be able to write this.

With Misogyny as my main waking thought & this being the Christmas Season, I was planning on addressing Tyler Perry’s “Madea” series. What I found was a slanderous BACKWARDS Floating Turd with MY NAME all over the credits in the same breath as the Klu Klux Klan.


I’ve never seen any of Tyler Perry’s movies. I’ve seen more than enough of his movie trailers & commercials to know the he himself is Racist against White People.

In the entire Madea Series, we have a Black Man dressed as a Grandmother – a WOMAN, creating HOSTILITY TOWARD WOMEN in the Black Community. Is it any wonder we hear Black Women being resentful of other Women???

Can you image the outcry if we had a white person appearing publically in Black-Face???

Everything in me wants to scream, “Gee I’m sorry you have such PENIS ENVY, but can I point out that you ARE A WOMAN?”

This may not be a popular stance, but it is the TRUTH.

YOU are CAUSING a problem for me.

Emotional Intelligence see PEOPLE as Individuals.

I do have a Chapter in the book addressing the whole Black Lives Matter movement – made even worse by Donald Trump.

Merry Christmas Madea.?

For those not on Facebook, below is the transcript of what I wrote:

Sociology & Journalism Double Major

July 30, 2015 at 7:11am

I have always been very culturally aware even before living in Singapore, being part of the first generation of school children in the US to attend racially integrated schools in the 1960s & 70s, making me inclusive, tolerant, accepting & culturally aware of those that are different from me.


Singapore is a melting pot of diverse people, cultures & religions. During the 6 - 7 years we travelled extensively through out Southeast Asia, I wanted to write for National Geographic but never really followed up on that career path, settling instead on a series of positions in the Advertising Industry.


This is my longtime Maylasian boyfriend, Alfie with me at his cousin's wedding in about 1983 - he wasn't a passing fad for me. I almost stayed in Singapore when my family moved back to the US.


Not really sure what religion his family practices: neither one of us ever tried to convert the other into our respective beliefs. Pictured below are a few of their religious rituals performed at the wedding including walking on fire without getting burned & eating broken glass without getting cut.

Note: Originally Re-posted on December 3, 2017. I can't say it enough. You can't end Racism with more Racism - particularly if you're attacking "one of the Good Ones" - whatever THAT means.