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Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Antho

The Early Constitutional Amendments contained in the Bill of Rights were fought for & argued over until they were ultimately signed into Law. 


All of this took place in the periods prior to, during & immediately after the Civil War Reconstruction Period in American History.

The 19th Amendment

Voting Rights for Women

2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment that granted Women the Right to Vote.  It is incredibly sad that the two main architects of the Women's Rights Movement both died prior to its' Ratification. 

Thanks to them, American Women have been able to Vote for Government representation in their Legislators & Policy-makers that would take the best interest of ALL people into account, not just for their own self-serving interests.

It is this partnership between Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony who first began their work as Public Servants as Abolitionists, fighting to end Slavery that brought them together as the Women's Rights Dynamic Duo.

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