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Suffragists Mrs. Stanley McCormick and Mrs. Charles Parker, April 22, 1913.jpg

Women's Suffrage Centennial

August 26, 1920 - August 26th, 2020

100 Years of Voting Rights for Women

2020, the Centennial Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution that granted Women the Right to Vote on August 26th 1920, is generally recognized as Women's Equality Day.  

Not all of our Women's Rights SheRoes who went before us lived to see the realization of their Dream of Equality For ALL.

Women's Equality Pioneers Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott Susan B. Anthony all died before the 19th Amendment was Ratified.  

Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt didn't live to see the Equal Rights Amendment get passed into Law.  Countless female figures from HerStory have paved the way for those of us in the Present to pick-up the mantel & carry the Torch.

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