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Philosophy of HealthCare Funding

This morning, October 19, 2017 the Senate Finance Committee will be voting on the President’s Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, which includes reauthorizing CHIP Funding, sponsored by Senator Orin Hatch of Utah, Chairman of the Committee.  Thank you Senator Hatch.

Part of the President’s platform of “Putting America First” should necessarily re-appropriate our Tax Payer Dollars spent on Medical Care sent over seas BACK TO AMERICANS IN THE US who are dying here at home. 

Can a dying person really afford to save another?  Or should OUR  money be spent taking care of us here at home???

It seems to me that it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

Below is the complete analysis of the Presidents Fiscal Budget FY2018 PUTTING AMERICA’S HEALTH FIRST directly from the Department of Health & Human Services' Website.  Full disclose I haven't had time to read it yet as I just found it this morning while preparing my statement for this page.

The US is a member nation of the World Health Organization (WHO) but we are not the only ones.  When our government has a temporary shutdown over the Republican/Democratic brawl over HEALTHCARE FUNDING IN THIS COUNTRY why in the world would we spend Tax Payer Dollars on Medical Charities Abroad when there is so much need back here at home in this country???

Instead of making Budget Cuts for the very people whose Tax Dollars are being used to pay for Healthcare abroad, how about we KEEP OUR HEALTHCARE DOLLARS & make Budget Cuts to Foreign Aid.  (Image & Data based on most current available statistics from 2016.)

The Keeping Kids’ Insurance Dependable and Secure (KIDS) Act would:

  • Extend CHIP funding through fiscal year (FY) 2022;

  • Maintain federal matching rate at current statutory levels through FY 2019, change to 11.5 percent for FY 2020, and return to a traditional CHIP matching rate for fiscal years 2021 and 2022; and

  • Create protections and flexibility under the maintenance-of-effort provision

The Senate Finance Committee, the committee with the largest jurisdiction in either house of Congress, oversees more than 50 percent of the federal budget and has jurisdiction over large portions of the American healthcare system, including Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP.

Kaiser Family Foundation Fact Sheet on CHIP

Legal Disclaimer for Non-Solicitation of Insurance Leads by Licensed Agent Lisa Annette Stanley, TDI #1407943, valid to January 31, 2023

The purpose of this webpage is Educational only, according to the broad General Concepts of how Americans get their Health Insurance Coverage in the US. 

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