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Milk. It Does a Body GOOD

Emotional Intelligence teaches us caring, empathy, the ability to put ourselves in someone else’ shoes and treating other INDIVIDUALS as we would like to be treated ourselves: like an INDIVIDUAL.

New for 2018, I thought I would explore some of the many root causes of 20th Century Misogyny, how it happened & how we can fix it, beginning with the Advertising Hall of Shame. 


My first-ever entry into the Advertising Hall of shame, also earning the position of "Lifetime Menace" for positioning their product on the premise that "Drinking Milk gives you Gas" is Lactaid Milk.

The entire corporate identity of Lactaid Milk is based on Misogynistic prejudice against WOMEN.

Is Discrimination EVER OK? 


In October of 2017, Dove Body Wash faced swift backlash over this very tastefully-done ad & it was immediately pulled from TV.

Where is the OUTRAGE over Lactaid Milk???


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Join the ERA Coalition in urging the U.S. Senate to pass SJ Res 6 to remove the time limit from the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)!

On February 13th, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass HJ Res 79, the bill to remove the time limit from the 1972 ERA, with bipartisan support. The ERA Coalition, the national organization representing more than 100 organizations, leaders across the country, allied organizations and millions of women and men, now calls on the U.S. Senate to vote to pass its companion bill, SJ Res 6, without delay.

In January 2020, Virginia voted to become the 38th state to ratify the ERA.  With that ratification, the ERA has now satisfied all the requirements set forth in the Constitution.  But the Department of Justice has taken the position that the ERA is not valid today, because of a seven-year time limit that Congress inserted in the joint resolution when it proposed the ERA back in 1972.  That position is now the subject of federal litigation.  In the meantime, though, Congress could resolve the question by voting to change the joint resolution, removing the time limit altogether.

SJ Res 6, introduced by bipartisan co-lead sponsors Senator Ben Cardin (MD) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK), currently has 49 co-sponsors. We believe if brought to the floor the bill would pass, bringing us one step closer to seeing equality become reality in this country. The leadership of the Senate has vowed not to allow a vote, but we won't take no for an answer.

Advertising Hall of SHAME for 2019

Mint Mobile Attack on "Chunky-Style Milk"  This is HATE SPEECH against WOMEN


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