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Misogyny IS Discrimination against WOMEN

Learn how to Communicate with Emotional Intelligence. 


End the MISOGYNY that altered the 2016 Presidential Election

Published on July 4, 2017 in direct response to the Bullying during the Presidential Campaigns


Yes Id Like to Thank the Academy

Now available with Houston Women's Conference Special Pricing

$7 Digital Download

Bullying has become a Global EPIDEMIC.  

This has got to stop

“Yes, I’d Like to Thank the Academy,” takes a good hard look at the Broadcast Industry & the Holy War being waged by the top echelon at ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox & others at our expense.

It is as if 2000 years later, they are still arguing the question, “Is it Jesus? Is it Mohammad? Is it Buddha?” – all with the viewing public caught in the middle.

It is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional look at the Sociological effects of Broadcast in Communications, in Politics, in Health Care & in the daily lives of all of us. 

It is an honest look at what I deem to be a FAKE PRESIDENT causing problems with the REAL NEWS MEDIA and the general public as a whole. In my opinion, his "quote unquote base" of supporters are people who "really watch too much TV" & voted for a cartoon character. 

Because of this, Office Politics have been running rampant across the country for years. Legislators all de-cry the need for toning down the Rhetoric, yet nothing gets done. These practical tips on Emotional Intelligence are designed to do just that: tone down the rhetoric & inspire co-operation with those that are different from us.

Understanding that change is slow - Biblical S-L-O-W - & that this change at the executive level won’t happen overnight, this guide has practical tips on “How to Tame the Red Carpet in your office.”

In reading “Yes, I’d Like to Thank the Academy,” the first thing readers will notice is that I am very obviously a Democrat – a
Democrat that believes in Bi-Partisan co-operation that reaches across the aisle to get things taken care of.

Employees & Employers, Democrats & Republicans, Women & Men alike in every office everywhere will benefit from implementing these Sociological, Philosophical & Logical practices as an integral part of your training program.

My hope is that the Executives of the major Networks will realize what kind of a world they are creating, & start producing shows that help, not hurt.

Shows like “Revenge & Scandal & How to Get Away with Murder” have got to go. This is what’s WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY.
Imagine a harmonious workplace that functions as one for the good of all.

Imagine hiring people who are happy to be there.

Gain valuable insights & tips for effective Communication


Busy people are busy. 

"Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy:  How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" is a fast, easy read, with actionable-tips for better Communications with those around us.  

Learn about:

  • The Origin of Language

  • Passive Aggression

  • Reality Show Cause & Effect

  • Stereotyping Individuals

  • De-escalating Volatile Situations

   Get your copy of “Yes, I’d Like to Thank the Academy” here

 It’s the best $7 you’ve ever spent 

You can thank me later :)

July 4, 2017

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