Jan 21, 2020
"Russia, if you're listening the American people need to know 'Where did the Senate'
In full view of the American People, no investigation required the "Real Donald Trump" Solicited Foreign Interference into our Elections...

Jan 19, 2020
Racing. Unifying or Divisive???
UPDATE. While I have NEVER RACED A DAY IN MY LIFE, the Chevron Houston Marathon is today in Downtown Houston. The first running of the...

Jan 18, 2020
Milk: It Does a Body Good
Emotional Intelligence teaches us caring, empathy, the ability to put ourselves in someone else’ shoes and treating other INDIVIDUALS as...

Jan 16, 2020
Intestinal Malrotation and Volvulus Awareness Day
Bi-Partisan cooperation between Democrats & Republicans make this country work for all of us. When someone from the other Political Party...

Jan 13, 2020
13. Really
There are many Theories on how the NUMBER 13 came to be viewed as unlucky. Having the dubious distinction of being born on Friday the...

Jan 12, 2020
The Apprentice President. What Is Real and What is Delusional Thought?
You don't need to be a Speech Pathologist to figure out that the Reality Show President is really delusional and a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR....

Jan 11, 2020
Validation of What is "Real"
We trust that when we look to the nightly news for information about what's going on in our world, that what we are seeing & hearing is...

Jan 10, 2020
Got Gadgets? Get Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy
Tech tools are designed to make our lives better. Put them to good use with better communication. Learn to treat people as INDIVIDUALS. ...

Jan 9, 2020
2001 A Space Odyssey. Fixing the Hal 9000
The Hal 9000, the main antagonist in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey gave foreboding of a fictional world when computers, robots &...

Jan 8, 2020
Emotional Intelligence IS De-escalation Training
NOTE: Normally I would have preferred to post on the 7th & not the 8th, but this is just too important to keep quiet. My Web Page STILL...