Aug 16, 2018
Emotional Intelligence IS De-escalation Training
Emotional Intelligence is toning down the rhetoric. Emotional Intelligence is diffusing volatile situations. With respect to our elected...

Aug 15, 2018
Communications: Coding, Signing & Signaling
Learn how to STOP the MISOGYNISTIC Coding, Signing & Signaling that cost Hillary Clinton the Election. NOBODY in my family grew-up...

Aug 14, 2018
Women's Equality Day 2017
UPDATE: Women's Equality Day, in recognition of the signing of the 19th Amendment is around the corner. We need one more state to Ratify...

Aug 13, 2018
Enlightening the World Without Pissing Off the Planet
Doublespeak, innuendo & coded language is why the whole world has their nose out of joint. If women don't have Equal Rights in this...

Aug 12, 2018
Stereotyping Individuals
UPDATE: Still morning the death of my mom Brenda Stanley, this was written 1yr ago today in response to the race riots in...

Aug 11, 2018
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: How Houstonians do Peaceful Protests
The Women's March to save Obamacare in January of this year really set the example of how Peaceful Protests should be. Click the image...

Aug 10, 2018
Houstonians Don't Act That Way
UPDATE: Stunningly, Charlottesville Virginia will commemorate the one year mark of the race riots that erupted last year over the removal...

Aug 7, 2018
Books. Did Hillary Clinton WRITE THE DICTIONARY?
UPDATE: When we learn to treat people as individuals we don't vote for superficial reasons like Names & Numbers. Learn to treat...

Aug 5, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are...

Aug 4, 2018
Happy Birthday President Obama
We miss you & Thank You for your service to our country. I bet your Mom must be very proud.