Income Inequality is a HUGE Problem for Women
When being able to afford parking for a free event is cost-prohibitive, there is a SERIOUS PROBLEM with Income Inequality for WOMEN.
Thankfully, yesterday I was able to attend one of the 5 events I signed up for. We'll see if I can managed to attend any today.
I attend one event featuring Gloria Steinem, Martha Cotera, Charlotte Bunch & Melba Tolliver, which I found to be both entertaining and informative. I found Ms Cotera to be particularly spirited & witty! :)
Ms Steinem was unable to attend in person, & joined the meeting by Webinar. I was looking forward to hearing Gloria speak in person, so this was a bit of a let down. That having been said I'm so glad I went.
One thing is clear: Equal Pay needs to be at the forefront of women's issues for our platform.