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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Words Matter. How Long Has This Been Going On???

Thanks to MS Magazine for the blog idea this morning. Good things happen when people put their heads together in collaboration for the good of all.

The chosen image depicts one of the most distressing narratives from the 2016 Election when Hillary Clinton was being BULLIED: Nasty Woman. I can remember sitting there thinking to myself, “Please don’t acknowledge that, please don’t embrace that, please don’t let that become a thing, please let it roll off your back.”

Next thing you know, OMG it’s a thing.

There is a school of thought that one way to disarm a bully is to take what was meant for your harm & use it for good: to throw it back in the bully’s face.

Sometimes this tactic backfires, which I believe was a contributing factor in what happened in the 2016 Election. As a result we now have the biggest bully on the planet with a "cute-sie little nickname for each of his opponents" in Washington.

The victim was blamed for all that insulting CODED LANGUAGE.

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