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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Coming in Out of the Rain at the Polls

With limited mobility the entire month of February, I've been trying to spread my campaign efforts where they can do the most good between several candidates I've been supporting.

My car died out on Westheimer earlier this month & finally we're almost back to being a two-car family again.

To my Son's credit, he's been a trooper letting me drive his car to make my campaign efforts possible.

All of last week, I was out at one of the Early Voting locations in the freezing rain, out numbered by Republican Candidates & their volunteers, AND their Signs.

Yesterday I decided to come in our of the rain & head back to HQ for Phone Banking & to pick up more signs.

I wish I had half the energy Beto has: criss-crossing the ENTIRE STATE OF TEXAS, listening to voters.

What I have learned about his campaign platform is that Beto doesn't just support an Assault Weapons Ban, he is one of the Co-Sponsors.

He supports DACA & the Dreamers.

And my #1 campaign issue: HEALTHCARE.

Early Voting continues this week through March 2nd.

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