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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

HOLY FRIJOLES: Learning to "Bomb-A-Nose" Cost US Our Healthcare

Learning to "Bomb-A-Nose" Cost US Our Healthcare

UPDATE. April is Medicaid Awareness Month

Individuals. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE recognizes that people are INDIVIDUALS. When PEOPLE blame INDIVIDUALS for the LANGUAGE they speak, they are RACING. The sad fact of the matter is that it is NOT even REVERSE RACISM - it's just RACISM.

Rhetorical Questions can be a helpful tool for encouraging others to discover their own motives in a Non-Confrontational way to get to the Truth of a given situation.

Rhetorical Questions are questions we don't expect an answer to: they allow the other person to "Save Face."

I would like to employ a couple Rhetorical Questions to get to the bottom of HOW THIS COUNTRY FAILED to Elect our First Female President.

1. Who among us NEEDS Health Insurance?

2. How many of us Voted?

3. Are you Democrat or Republican?

4. Who among us voted to Make History by electing our 1St Female President?


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