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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Nobel Peace Prize???

Yesterday, for the second year in a row, rather than attend the White House Correspondents Dinner, the current president held a counter-rally, pandering to his "base" instead of honoring the 1st Amendment Freedom of the Press & Free Speech that we all enjoy.

At this rally, the misinformed crowd began chanting "Nobel, Nobel, Nobel," implying that the #ApprenticePresident deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for the possible demilitarization of North Korea's nuclear weapons campaign, (which by the way has yet to happen.)

Why??? Because he just so happened to be in office when signs of peace began to show between the two Koreas???

The man with his itchy trigger finger on the nuclear button, the man who has a cutsie little BULLYING nickname for every opponent (including "Little Rocket Man"), the man who can be baited by a Twitter Tweet is anything but peaceful.

If anything was the most instrumental in warming the icy Cold War Relations between the two Koreas this year, it was the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeong Chang.

Most accurately, if any one PERSON should be credited & awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for World Peace in North Korea, the award should go to DENIS RODMAN.

The #ApprenticePresident continues to claim credit for things he does not deserve.

Bullies are anything but PEACEFUL.

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