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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Is Our US Constitution Outdated? The Balance Between Rights & Privilege

The 1st Amendment. The 2nd Amendment. And all the way down the Bill of Rights. Is it time for a massive major over-haul of the Us Constitution? Free Speech has gone too far. The NRA hides behind the 2nd Amendment. And the #ApprenticePresident doesn't understand the Separation of Power as intended by the founders of this country.

Yesterday, Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick made the rounds of Sunday Morning News Magazine Shows saying many of the same things I've been saying about Video Games, TV & Radio shaping moral standards in this country BUT HE FAILED to put the blame for the most recent high school shooting in Sante Fe squarely where it belongs: #GunControl the #SecondAmendment and the #NRA.

There are multiple instances ripped from today's headlines that just trample our Constitution.

This week, one of the groups I belong to, Texas Democratic Women of Harris County will be having a guest speaker on the subject of Constitutional Law.

I'm gonna do my best to be there to hear her thoughts on Impeachment.

This country elected a TV CHARACTER WITH 8 Y EARS OF NAME RECOGNITION - it's as simple as that. So-called adults playing Video Games with the TV have gotten us into this mess with the #ApprenticePresident

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