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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Civility With All People. Emotional Intelligence

Loved this message from with Retired General Stanley McChrystal so much I thought I would officially put this in a Blog to share as far & wide as possible.

Civility With ALL People. Emotional Intelligence

As the Nation is still healing from yet another Hate Crime in our own country, these words of wisdom need to be heard by as many US VOTERS as possible.

This is Emotional Intelligence.

This is Common Sense.

This is COURAGE.

Congresswoman Gabielle Giffords PERSONIFIES the word COURAGEOUS.

Surviving an Assassination attempt that nearly took her life at a Political Rally, Gabby Giffords is a SURVIVOR.

Please support her efforts to bring sanity back to our city streets & CIVILITY to our Political Process.

Give here, at then #VoteBlue in our #MidTermElections now underway.

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