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Born On Friday the 13th. Got Superstitions?

Writer's picture: lisaannettestanleylisaannettestanley

Friday the 13th

I was born on Friday the 13th, so naturally I've had a life-long fascination with the question, Why is Friday the 13th Unlucky?

All of Christianity is solely based on the betrayal, torture & crucifixion of Christ. Said to be the 13th man at the table of The Last Supper, he was betrayed by his closest friends & allies.

There are many Theories on how the NUMBER 13 came to be viewed as unlucky. Having the dubious distinction of being born on Friday the 13th, I have been interested in this subject my entire life.

History Channel "The Knights Templar & the Freemasons

George Washington was a Freemason

Some people may remember a little movie called The Davinci Codes." This was the entire basis of the movie based on the book by Dan Brown:

The Da Vinci Codes Official Trailer

I have to question "are the willful acts of men bad luck, or is this the willful acts of men?"

Pop Culture at the Box Office went the other direction with the day, making it the stuff of NIGHTMARES, beginning with this one:

I have linked the images to the videos so as not to slow down page loading speed. (I had originally posted each video but the file size was bogging down my Blog - or could the reversal of Net Neutrality account for the slow loading speed? Hmn.)

Click each image for the link.

Friday the 13th Original Movie

So this is pretty much what Halloween has always sounded like in my house. Thankfully Major Tom with his Scary Monsters & dead people has died & can't do this to people any more.

David Bowie: Space Oddity

David Bowie: The Man Who Fell to Earth

For anyone out there still singing "Ground Control to Major Tom" THIS is what it's about

I would highly encourage people to rent a copy of this, stop singing "Space Oddity" then get back to me with your thoughts on that frightening freak of nature David Bowie.

Then there's this ASSHOLE, Stanley Kubrick with an enormous catalog of Sci-Fi thrillers:

Stanley Kubrick: 2001 A Space Odyssey

Stanley Kubrick: The Shining


THIS is where I get my thoughts on Ethics Reform in the Broadcast Industry.

THIS is what it means to be 13.

Happy Halloween, y'all

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