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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Emotional Intelligence is Non-Retaliation

Mobile Phone? Cell Phone???  Words Matter. Emotional Intelligence

Among the topics of Insurance Agent Ethics Training is the concept of Non-Retaliation. Much like the Christian concept of "turning the other cheek," Non-Retaliation is part of Dispute Resolution.

Our society has become so litigious, the fighting has got to STOP somewhere.

Locally, the Houston Metropolitan area is dealing with a massive Plant Explosion along the Houston Ship Channel in Deer Park , Texas.

Already the Personal Injury Trial Lawyers are lining up to file suit against the chemical company involved.

They really need to be careful that they don't cross-over into the territory of Barratry.

When people have a legitimate grievance that cannot be settled peacefully, then legal action might be the only way to go.

What people need to understand is that Litigation is the Dispute Resolution method of last resort.

All of this applies if there is a valid, legitimate grievance & not for frivolous, ridiculous reasons like LANGUAGE.

In terms of Health Insurance, specifically #OBAMACARE it is stunning what agents have endure to cover YOU, protect YOU, take CARE of YOU.

This is the main reason WHY I have stopped doing Employee Benefits Counseling.

Take for example today's Image.

What do you call yours???

Is this a MOBILE PHONE or is this CELL PHONE???

Can I tell you that I have had people "charge at me" with their CELL PHONE before I can even say "Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm here to take CARE of your OBAMACARE?"

It's as if they are sitting there saying, "Look Insurance Lady. I've got a CELL PHONE & I'm not afraid to charge it!"


The more Emotionally Intelligent WORD CHOICE to describe your Communication Device is MOBILE PHONE.

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