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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Say, Yes. I Will Help Fund This Critical Mission.

Misogyny Hurts ALL WOMEN

Misogyny hurts women - ALL WOMEN. This has got to STOP. Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & individual Investors to bring this program to life.

When the biggest Bully on the planet can be elected to the highest office in this land, we have a CRITICAL PROBLEM in America.

What I view as even more disturbing than who one person is, is that there are millions more just like him that think name calling, bullying & personal attacks are ok.

I’m about to burst a blood vessel doing everything I can think of to do, but I’m going broke trying to do this full time.

This critically vital mission I’m on stands to benefit millions of PEOPLE – not just women, but all of us.

Making this world we all share a more CIVILIZED place for millions of INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE is very worthy of your support.

Yes, I Will Help Fund This Critical Mission

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