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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Say, Yes. I Will Help Fund This Critical Mission.

Misogyny Hurts ALL WOMEN

UPDATE. April 15th, Income Tax Day, everybody's favorite day was yesterday. If WOMEN don't have Equal Rights in this country, who is likely responsible for writing our Tax Laws?

Misogyny hurts women - ALL WOMEN. This has got to STOP.

Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & individual Investors to bring this program to life.

When the biggest Bully on the planet can be elected to the highest office in this land, we have a CRITICAL PROBLEM in America.

What I view as even more disturbing than who one person is, is that there are millions more just like him that think name calling, bullying & personal attacks are ok.

I’m about to burst a blood vessel doing everything I can think of to do, but I’m going broke trying to do this full time.

This critically vital mission I’m on stands to benefit millions of PEOPLE – not just women, but all of us.

Making this world we all share a more CIVILIZED place for millions of INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE is very worthy of your support.

Yes, I Will Help Fund This Critical Mission

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