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Happy International Nurses Day. ObamaCARE SAVES Lives

ObamaCARE Saves Lives

Florence Nightingale, the Mother of Modern Nursing, was born on this day May 12, 1820. International Nurses Day is in recognition of her contributions to modern medicine.

Pictured above is my Grandmommy Ruth with her graduating class from Nursing School in about 1967. Widowed when my Poppy died unexpectedly of a heart attack, she still had two little kids at home - my Aunt & Uncle - that she had to provide for. So she went to Nursing School.

She dedicated her life to supporting herself by CARING for others.

The dismantling of ObamaCARE in America BECAUSE OF A NAME is like "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

What is in ObamaCARE?

A whole lot of CARING.

Happy Mother's Day & Happy International Nurses Day Grandmommy.

UPDATE. Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. Today is the start of Ramadan, the Muslim Holy Month. While I am neither Spanish nor Muslim, I would like to gently remind EVERYONE that Elections have consequences.

When we learn to interact with those around us with Emotional Intelligence, we choose to act in a socially-responsible fashion.

In my opinion, this country is watching our HealthCARE system being destroyed due to LANGUAGE: "people didn't want to "Bomb-A-Nose".

Sadly, I will sit here in this moment & again say that REVERSE RACISM IS REAL.

The #ApprenticePresident for a fact IS a Racist - maybe even a White Supremacist & is making life SO MUCH HARDER FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT.

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