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GerryMANdering Harris County

UPDATE. Today, December 14th Houstonians will cast their Ballots in the Mayoral Election that has apparently caught the attention of the current President.

The man who thinks Name-Calling & Personal Attacks are ok bullied his way onto the Republican Ticket in 2016 is now campaigning for the Republican Challenger in our Houston Mayoral Election.

With any luck perhaps after the last Ballot is cast, we can all get back to celebrating Christmas.



"Gerry-MAN-dering" was the dirty word of the Harris County primary season. Maps matter. Words matter. NUMBERS matter.

Gerrymandering is the practice of subverting the vote to disproportionately under-represent citizens in a discriminatory fashion.

If WOMEN don't have Constitutional Protection from discrimination, who is likely to blame for those maps???

Yet the NAME of one of our Major Houston thoroughfares has been WEAPONIZED AGAINST WOMEN.

GerryMANdering Harris County

There are no less than 7 voting districts where I live in zip code 77057 as seen on my Voter Registration Card below. Each one of the little squares on the right represent a corresponding Electoral Office such as Senate District, Congressional District, Commissioners Court & so on.

Some of these maps criss-cross the area in an impossible fashion.

One example of a Harris County Precinct Map:

77057 is in Precinct 3. Much of the work I did to help in our recent Democratic Primary is in Precinct 4 as I watched my candidate run herself ragged from one side of the county to the other.

Look at the area she had to cover to reach all of the voters that she won the right to Represent pending the outcome of the official vote in November.

I'm exhausted & I'm not even on the ballot.

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