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The Real Reason for Trumplican Stonewalling: Supreme Court Packing

Unethical Supreme Court Packing in the Trumplican Party

The Unethical stonewalling in the Trumplican Party came to a head yesterday & showed their true motivation for unethically condoning the behavior of a man who is UNFIT FOR OFFICE, yet remains the 45th President of this Country: Overturning Roe/V/Wade.

Yesterday on January 2, 2020 Trumplican Legislators in both the House & Senate submitted an amicus brief on a Supreme Court Case to be heard later this spring that will essentially declare Roe/V/Wade Unconstitutional & once again make Abortion Illegal.

The complete & total lack of ETHICS in the Senate reared it's ugly head, lead by Trumplican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, going all the way back to their refusal to give a Confirmation Hearing to out-going President Barack Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland - stonewalling the process until the incoming Administration could be sworn into office.

Christian "Conservatives" have long had Roe/V/Wade in it's sights with the belief that life begins at conception & that abortion is murder.

It has been apparent for some time now that the Church - who PAYS ZERO TAXES - has had entirely too much power & influence over our National Politics.

This latest insulting ATTACK ON WOMEN comes on the heals of the December 19, 2019 Lawsuit by 3 Trumplican Governors to block the Equal Rights Amendment from being Ratified into the US Constitution.

Make no mistake WOMEN are under attack in this country.

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