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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Impeachment. Conflict of Interest in the Unethical Senate

Impeach Donald Trump

Conflict of Interest is a fundamental principle of ETHICS that should be avoided at all costs in the name of FAIRNESS. Ethics have a component of altruism over self interest in that sometimes the right thing to do is not in our own best interest, such as the Senate voting along Party Lines to save their own Senate Seats.

This is the Definition of Conflict of Interest.

When Insurance Agents are held to a higher ETHICAL STANDARD than the "Leader of the Free World" we have a fundamental crisis of moral values in this country.

With respect to the Impeachment Process fairness demands that all known FACTS are presented to our Governing bodies so there is Full Disclosure & no Lying by Omission.

By voting to Disallow Evidence & Witnesses with direct 1st-hand knowledge the Senate is complicit in LYING BY OMISSION.


Ethics are a Moral Standard beyond what is or is not LEGAL. Many things may be perfectly Legal yet Unethical.

Some of the primary components of Ethics include:

Fairness. The ability to be impartial, void of Favoritism, Conflict of Interest or Bullying.

Honesty. Being honest involves more than not lying.

Additionally if a person has a vested interest in the outcome, or in other words, a Conflict of Interest in the outcome of a given situation that is motive for PERJURY – lying under oath.

It can involve things such as:

Material Misrepresentation of Facts. This is fancy “legalese” for lying.

A Material fact is something that is central to the issue. It is not a minor detail as in "Oh by the way we conveniently 'forgot' to mention these facts." It is THE issue.

Lying by Omission/Concealing pertinent facts. This is best illustrated when witnesses giving testimony in a court case are asked “Do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth & nothing but the truth?”

When we tell the WHOLE truth we don’t conceal or omit pertinent facts to be as completely transparent as possible.

Conflict of Interest, Lying by Omission & complete & total lack of Ethics will be on full display today as the Trumplican-held Senate will vote to Acquit the #ApprenticePresident in an effort to save their own Senate Seats in the next Election.


It is stunning to watch.

Peaches - The Presidents of the United States of America

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