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Can PEOPLE Wear Their SLANDEROUS Hate Speech? Yes. Women's History Month Day 14 Part 2

We look to the "News" to inform us about the world around us - to give us the information we need to know. The goal is to INFORM the Public NOT PANIC THE PUBLIC.

When Broadcasters bring their Personal Prejudices with them they Color the Opinions of MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF TV VIEWERS.

Can Broadcasters wear Their SLANDEROUS HATE SPEECH?  Yes They Can.

This morning on March 14, a local Broadcaster at Channel 13, a young Black Woman, decided to WEAR HER SLANDEROUS HATE SPEECH AGAINST WOMEN loud & proud so that MILLIONS OF TV Viewers in Houston, Harris County,in Galveston, Galveston County, in Brazoria County, in Montgomery county - virtually their entire Broadcast Circulation Area can see her SLANDERING WOMEN.

Mens' Wear CALENDAR Singapore 1982

I have been calling out VISUAL SLANDER from DAY ONE.

This is me as a College kid, Advertising for a MEN'S WEAR CALENDAR.

A calendar.

A men's wear CALENDAR

Lisa Annette Stanley CYC Shirts Ad, Singapore 1981-1982

I have half a mind to start a CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT on the behalf of the MILLIONS of WOMEN in the greater Houston Metropolitan area who have just been VISUALLY SLANDERED BY THIS TV REPORTER.

Who wants to VOTE for a WHITE WOMAN NAMED Hillary Clinton???

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Who Wants to Vote For a WHITE WOMAN NAMED Hillary Clinton?

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