Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Women's Bible. Women's History Month
Living abroad during my College years, being completely immersed in other Cultures, in other Religions & other Philosophies of Life, I've always been very Open-Minded & receptive to seeing things from a different or new perspective.
Finding "The Women's Bible, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton was such a God send.
Click the Image for the entire book, which will open in a new Window.
From the Library of Congress:
Although most often identified as a suffragist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) participated in a variety of reform initiatives during her lifetime. Setting her sights on women's emancipation and equality in all arenas--political, economic, religious, and social--Stanton viewed suffrage as an important but not paramount goal. Since childhood, Stanton had rebelled against the role assigned to women and chafed at being denied a university education because of her sex. As a young woman, she became involved in the temperance and antislavery movements, through which she met Henry Brewster Stanton (1805-1887), an abolitionist reformer and journalist, whom she married in May 1840. While honeymooning in England, Elizabeth became outraged when she and other women were barred from a major antislavery convention. She discussed her feelings with Lucretia Mott (1793-1880), a Quaker minister from Pennsylvania and one of the American delegates to the meeting, and together they resolved to hold a women's rights convention to discuss women's secondary status when they returned to the United States.
The roots of Misogyny run deep, beginning in the Bible.
I've been pondering questions of Theology pretty much my entire life, but things really ramped up after seeing the Houston Museum of Natural Science exhibit of "The Dead Sea Scrolls" when it was in town back in 2005.
The Dead Sea Scrolls is PROOF of CENSORSHIP of the Bible.
What people need to understand is that the "Word of God" is an Anthology of Short Stories from people who lived in the time of Jesus Christ.
According to Scripture, Mary Magdalene was the one who first discovered the Holy Ghost when she found the empty tomb of Jesus & ran to tell the good news that Christ was Risen.
Where is her first hand account ?
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