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For What Do We Sacrifice? Easter 2020

For What Do We Sacrifice? Easter 2020 Covid-19

Christians believe that Christ Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, dying on the Cross at Easter for our Soul Salvation. He paid the ULTIMATE Sacrifice with his Life.

For two of the three major World Religions, the Easter/Passover Season is THE Holiest Time of year.

There has been much a do with respect to whether or not Churches are an Essential Business while the World is doing it's dead-level best to contain this deadly virus & save more lives during the crisis we're all living through.

This year, I join Public Health Officials in asking worshipers to Sacrifice your normal Easter Celebrations to Save Lives during the Covid-19 Crisis.

So many of us have sacrificed so much already to control this deadly disease. If we stop our Social Distancing practices too early & the Virus returns it will all be for naught.

With the rise of Televangelism & TV preachers across the country, it is astonishing that some Churches would put the public health at risk by keeping their doors open even as Public Health Officials are urging us to "Stay Home. Save Lives."

I cannot think of anything more important than our HEALTH.

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