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How Do Prophets Profit? Sacrificial Giving

How Do Prophets Profit? Sacrificial Giving

The whole notion of Sacrificial Giving was a thing several years ago on Christian TV. One Televangelist in particular had an entire Series of Sermons on the subject of Sacrificial Giving.

It was pretty jaw-dropping to sit through, but it wasn't until one such TV Preacher suggested that this Sacrificial Gift be made on a Credit Card that I got REALLY ANGRY about what I was seeing & hearing on the Church Channel.

This was about the time I decide to speak up & speak out. Why should the Church have Preferential Tax Status & be Exempt from paying anything at all?

I haven't seen any of Houston's Televangelists suggesting a Sacrificial Gift to the Church, as if a 10% Tithing wasn't infuriating enough, but I've really got a Bee under my bonnet over this. This is an Industry-Wide practice in the Christian Community.

That 10% Tax-Free Donation isn't "Free" to us. We are TAXED ON IT.

What a scam.

And it's all LEGAL.

I am seriously pissed off.

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