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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Constitutional Rights Come With Tremendous Responsibilities

First Amendment VS Free Speech

The 19th Amendment granted American Women the Right to Vote but we still don't have Equal Rights in this Country. What people need to understand when we speak of our Constitutional RIGHTS, these Rights come with TREMENDOUS Responsibilities.

Nobody has the Right to trample the Rights of someone else while expressing their Constitutional Freedoms. Basically, my Rights stop where your Rights begin & vice versa.

The 1st Amendment is a complex statement of rights including, Free Speech (implied), Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion & the Right for Peaceful Assembly.

This is a time when these First Amendment Rights take a Backseat to Civic RESPONSIBILITY.



Full on STOP.

Yet people who may not have gotten this Civics Lesson in Social Responsibility are taking to the streets again, this time demanding to Reopen the Country before America has reached it's peak of Deadly Virus Containment, including a Public Protest yesterday in Austin.

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott was the first Governor in the Nation to publicly introduce a Plan to do just that.

Texas has yet to hit our Peak. We have the Lowest Rate of Virus Testing in the Country. We have NO IDEA how many Texans have been or are infected.

And to no one's surprise, the Apprentice President is contradicting the advice of his Advisors yet AGAIN

The "Apprentice President" who was able to steal the 2016 Election from Hillary Clinton, due to people playing Video Games with a Cartoon Character continues to STUN with his mismanagement of this Crisis.

Yesterday, the concerted effort to implore people to take their Civic RESPONSIBILITY serious & Stay Home Together to contain this deadly virus known as Covid-19, organized by Lady Gaga, was Broadcast with cooperation between several major Networks here in the States & Globally around the World.

2020 is an Election year, even in the middle of this Global Crisis known as Covid-19. Earlier this month on April 7th, the state of Wisconsin held their Presidential Primary despite calls for a Postponement or providing for Vote By Mail as championed by Former Presidential Candidate & US Senator Amy Klobuchar.

2020 is an Election year. And people do need to get back to work for the sake of the Economy.

We need to strike the proper balance to ensure that we don't "Restart the Pandemic Timeline" for everyone

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