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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Happy Mother's Day, Yes, Even in a Crisis

All of us were brought into this world by our Moms. I'm a little late posting this morning as I've had tears of Joy streaming down my face for the past hour. My youngest Baby Bird who is now a young man in his own right surprised me with an Early Morning Mother's Day phone call from his new home in Georgia.

During the Covid-19 Crisis we're all living through, so many of our Family Traditions have been altered by Social Distancing.

From Easter, to Passover to Ramadan, all of us have had to alter our ways of Life so we can SAVE LIVES.

My Daughter who is now a Mom herself is nesting with her 3 little ones outside the Bird Sanctuary near Lake Livingston.

We love our Mom's & Mother's Day is a Day for us to say "Thank You for loving me."

And how did the 45th President of this Country Honor WOMEN in advance of Mother's Day just last week?

By filing a Motion in the United States District Court For the District of Columbia to yet again block the Equal Rights Amendment from becoming the Law of the Land:

What part of EQUAL do people not UNDERSTAND???

Can this Country even say "Happy Mother's Day" any more without taking a swing at WOMEN???

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