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Happy Birthday Florence Nightingale. International Nurse's Day

Florence Nightingale, Mother of Modern Nursing

Thank You Health Care Professionals who are the front lines of protecting the Public Health. With Health care being in the forefront of EVERYONE'S mind, I thought this would be a good time to have a look at some of the contributions of Women in Medicine, beginning with Florence Nightingale the "Mother of Modern Nursing."

Since January of 1974. May 12 has been recognized as International Nurse's Day in honor of Florence Nightingale's Birthday.

Nurses are the life-blood of the Medical Community.

We thank you for putting your Health at risk now more than ever with the entire world in shock over the Covid-19 Crisis we're living through.

We are happy to do our part to help carry-out our Social Responsibility to contain this Highly Contagious Deadly Communicable Disease by #SocialDistancing #StayingHome #WashingHands & wearing our #FaceMask TO PROTECT EACH OTHER from #Covid19

The Current Administration who continues to divide rather than unite these United States has mis-characterized the SERIOUSNESS from the beginning is rushing to Re-Open the Country for Business entirely too soon.

Yes people need to work but at what cost if we restart the timeline to Save Lives?

When my Poppy died of a heart attack in 1964, I was a three-year-old little girl. My Grandmommy Ruth went to Nursing School so she could support herself & my Aunt & Uncle.

My Grandmomy is my "She-ro."

My Grandmommy Ruth with Graduating Class from Nursing School

I wonder what my Grandmommy would say if she were alive today?

How would she feel about the deliberate disinformation from the current Administration?

What would she say about the BULLYING coming out of Washington?

Would she be appalled at the Political Gamesmanship of putting Politics over PEOPLE?

I think the answer is yes.

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