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Caring at Time of Death. Rest in Peace George Floyd

Garden of the Innocents, Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery

UPDATE. George Floyd will be laid to rest beside his Mother at Houston Memorial Gardens today. His death will not be in vain, but will bring about much needed change here in Houston, across the Country & in the World.

Everyone is so hopeful that this will bring about long-over due change.

Yesterday our Republican Governor did what a decent Leader of any Party does at a time like this.

He came to Houston to meet with the Family of George Floyd.

Below are some thoughts I had previously written on the subject of Leadership in time of Tragedy.

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Gun Violence and Domestic Terrorism has rocked the Nation again. Thoughts and Prayers ARE NOT ENOUGH. We need ACTION. We need Leadership. We need GUN CONTROL NOW.

While Death is a natural part of the Circle of Life, no one is in a hurry to die. As a Life & Health Insurance Agent, working in a Cemetery was just part of it. Someone needs to be there to help care for the grieving, but it does take a certain mind-set to be able to do this for a living.

When death is the result of natural causes such as a prolonged illness, we take great comfort in the fact that it is an end to suffering: that the deceased is released from pain.

When death is caused by the violent acts of men, we question American values. And rightfully so. Do we value guns or do we value people?

When we put our grief into action in a positive way, we don't seek revenge.

The manner in which two very different presidents address the nation's pain could not be more different.

When 9 members of the the Mother Emannuel Church were gunned down in cold blood, this is how the Comforter in Chief, Barack Obama responded:

When 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas were killed in the most recent mass murder, how did the current administration face the students???

The word Coward springs to mind. Forget heroes. The #ApprenticePresident could not even face these grieving high school students.

The 2nd Amendment, an outdated, antiquated law was written at a time when the most destructive weapon available was a Muscat.

It is time for this country to stop bowing to the NRA, repeal or amend the 2nd Amendment, making Gun Ownership a privilege that can be rescinded and NOT a Right.

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