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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Broadcast IS My Family History

Outside the Associated Press Times Square NYC 2001

As long as we are looking to this Nation's History, I decided to add a Permanent Page in recognition of WHY my inspiration for "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" was really born of the fact that Broadcast is my family business.

My motivation is not to say say "Hey look at me I'm a Big Shot."

No. I can't stand the viciousness on TV these days.

Can I tell you I am going BANKRUPT doing this???

"Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional look at the Sociological effects of Broadcast in Communications, in Politics, in Health Care & in the daily lives of all of us.

It is an honest look at what I deem to be a FAKE PRESIDENT causing problems with the REAL NEWS MEDIA. In my opinion, his "quote unquote base" of supporters are people who "really watch too much TV" & voted for a cartoon character.

My mother had an Uncle in one branch of our family tree who was a BROADCAST PIONEER, who OWNED a Radio Station he founded in the 1940s & sat on the Board of Directors of the Associated Press in the 1970s.

Can I tell you that I have not benefited one Iota from this fact?

The truth is we are all Real PEOPLE - God breathed his life into each & everyone one of us: you & you & you & me too.

Now if the FAKE President can stop starting shit with REAL PEOPLE, perhaps we can fix what's wrong with this country.

It's only $7 bucks & I sure would Thank You.

( I'm going broke in here.).


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Bullying is a Problem in America. Like my ideas? Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Like-Minded Individuals to find REAL SOLUTIONS to massive problems like how to Balance the Federal Budget. I'm not building a CHURCH asking for a 10% TAX FREE Donation of your hard-earned Dollars. Join me Here for more information or to give to a worthy-cause: to End Bullying.

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