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Carrie Chapman Catt. The League of Women Voters

Carrie Chapman Catt, National American Woman Suffrage Association  & League of Women Voters, 1884

Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947) one of the "youngsters" of the early Women's Rights Movement along with Alice Paul lived well into the 20th Century & carried on the work of those who went before her.

She was the third President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (1900) succeeding Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1890) & Susan B. Anthony (1892)

Catt also formed the League of Women Voters which is still active as a Bi-Partisan/Non-Partisan Political Activist Group today.

Prior to the beginning of the Covid-19 Crisis, I had intended to get out from behind the computer screen, step away from the desk & get out there again with some of the Ladies Groups here in Houston.

But Covid-19 had other plans.

The League of Women Voter's Houston put together a Theater Night to attend the Alley Theater's production of the George Orwell Book "1984."

Long story long, I was there on Opening Day but have yet to connect with LWV off Social Media.

I would have loved to hear their thoughts on this Local Theatrical Production that coincided with the end of Black History Month & the start of Women's History Month just this year.

My thoughts???

This was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy not good.

Here is some background on their Founder Carrie Chapman Catt.

So I've been doing this for just about a minute now - and studying how our Past effects our Present & Future and learning as much as I can about the Women's Rights Movement.

No need to study Sexism & Misogyny.

I deal with that in the present day every time I step outside my door.

This Web Page was started on August 26, 2016 "Women's Equality Day," & my first Blog Post was on July 4th, 2017 in direct response to two things:

1. The Job Discrimination I faced every day because I am a WOMAN &

2. The disturbing Bullying during the 2016 Presidential Campaigns.

These are my reasons for doing what I do.

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Bullying is a Problem in America. Like my ideas? Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Like-Minded Individuals to find REAL SOLUTIONS to massive problems like how to Balance the Federal Budget. I'm not building a CHURCH asking for a 10% TAX FREE Donation of your hard-earned Dollars. Join me Here for more information or to give to a worthy-cause: to End Bullying.

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