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Numbers Matter.  How Long Has This Been Going On? Women's Suffrage Centennial

UPDATE. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment would protect WOMEN from Hate Speech of all kinds. This year is the Women's Suffrage Centennial in recognition of 100 Years of Voting Rights for Women.

Today is August 14, 2020.

Below is my motivation for doing what I do, beginning with this infuriating CALENDAR.

Earlier this Spring, Virginia became the 38th State needed for Ratification. Now this landmark Legislation is stuck in the Courts with the National Archivist refusing to Amend the Constitution citing that Ratification occurred past the Deadline.


There's a Deadline on EQUALITY?

Please join the ERA Coalition in saying "There is NO DEADLINE on EQUALITY" by signing their Petition here, then Read Below & buy my Book, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" Here

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When we learn to communicate with Emotional Intelligence, we don't insult others right to their face. This is what I'm saying when I speak of Media Manipulation of images.. We cannot blame the victim, holding INDIVIDUALS ACCOUNTABLE for the actions of others. How are WOMEN to blame for all of those insulting NUMBERS???

Nobody I know had ever acted this way

Communicated this way

Spoken this way

yet here I am facing NUMBERS-BASED MISOGYNY.

I have a vested interest in fixing this for the girls.

I am a white, English-speaking woman who is perpetually stuck in the '80s being VICTIMIZED by those NUMBERS.

My story is one of Rags to Riches & back to Rags again.

The entire point of Revolving Door HR is to fix that calendar for the girls. 2016 was a nightmare of one hostile, toxic misogynistic job after another, so I did what the financial experts say not to do: I quit my day job & went into business for myself.

Consider the month of April, the FOURTH MONTH of the year.

One man I worked for in 2016 who bought an ICONIC ADVERTISING MEDIUM that 100% of everyone would know, thought it would be a good idea to hire a sales staff of all women, then attack us with an internal memo beginning on April 1st, "April Fool's Day" & ending on April 15 - income tax day:


Corporate Culture of MISOGYNY at ICONIC American Brand

Tonight is the Grammy Award presentation at Madison Square Garden that I'm sure will be a NIGHTMARE

I wonder if any WOMEN will be PUNCHED IN THE NOSE?

This is my motivation in working for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment into the US Constitution.

Misogyny is PREJUDICE against WOMEN.

I don't find it productive to turn on the TV on a daily basis & hear about Racism, when actually the correct word is Prejudice.

Learning to treat PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS will go a long way in ENDING PREJUDICE OF ALL KINDS.

Misogyny Cost Hillary Clinton the Election.  Get "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" Here

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