Boycott Independence Day & Publish Equal Rights Amendment
VERIFIED. The Media Conspiracy to not hold a Democratic Primary has America on the verge of becoming a KINGDOM or a DICTATORSHIP.
"What to the WOMAN is the Fourth of July" when we have been INTENTIONALLY excluded from the US Constitution FROM THE BEGINNING?
Not a Dime...Not a Phone Call...No Door-knocking until Equal Rights Amendment is LAW.
Women have been LIED TO from the beginning.
Women have been LIED ABOUT from the beginning.
Women have been BETRAYED FROM THE BEGINNING by BOTH Parties.
There has been talk online for the last couple years of reviving Alice Paul & Lucy Burns' National Women's Party.
I have said for as long as I can remember that I am a "Liberal Conservative" or a "Conservative Liberal" - who now feels Politically HOMELESS.
Maybe it IS time to bring back the NWP.
PUBLISH the Equal Rights Amendment.
If you've not yet gotten your copy of "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," get it HERE now.
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