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Covid19 Social Responsibility. Drop the ACA Suit & Pass the Heroes Act.

Writer's picture: lisaannettestanleylisaannettestanley

HealthCARE is my Livelihood. With the News that President PineSol is now Hospitalized with Covid19 it is extremely hard to bite my tongue & be nice. I am actually furiously LIVID at the unnecessary loss of more than 200,000 American Lives due to his BUNGLING of the Pandemic.

Trump & several of his Staff, Political Appointees & other Members of the Trumplican Leadership in the Party of Trump have also been INFECTED with this Highly Contagious, Communicable DEADLY DISEASE known as Covid-19:

Personal Assistant Hope Hicks

Senator Mike Lee

Senator Thom Tillis

Trump Campaign Manager Bill Stepiens

Senator Ron Johnson

Former White House Spokesperson Kelly Anne Conway

Former Governor Chris Christie is now also Hospitalized after being INFECTED with Covid-19.

And let's not forget Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett who may likely be "Patient Zero" for the recent run on Covid-19 Infections in President PineSol's Inner Circle.

Barrett had previously been INFECTED with Covid-19 over the summer & was said to have Recovered. Was she still CONTAGIOUS at the time of her Confirmation Meetings with Trump?

Was she still CONTAGIOUS at the White House Nomination Party where these subsequent Infections of High-Ranking Party Officials took place???

With all these factors in mind, it is being reported that Senate Majority "Leader" Mitch McConnel is still plowing full-steam ahead to UNETHICALLY Confirm the Appointment of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court Vacancy when the Honorable Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. died.

Where is the same Swift Action to Pass the Congressional HEROES ACT that has been sitting on "Leader" McConnel's desk for MONTHS while ordinary American DIE from this Deadly Virus???

The Heroes Act provides for additional Covid-19 Resources to be appropriated by Congress to help with things like Contact Tracing to prevent the Spread, additional Testing so those Individuals can Quarantine at home & not infect the rest of us, Appropriates additional Funding for State & Local Governments & another round of Economic Disaster Relief Checks to Citizens.

Where is "Leader" McConnel's RUSH TO TAKE CARE of THIS???


While there IS NO TREATMENT, there IS NO CURE, President Pine-Sol is receiving the finest care available anywhere in this Country, yet the DISGRACEFUL ObamaCARE Lawsuit California/V/Texas is still on the Court Docket for November 10th in an effort have the Affordable Care Act Certified as Unconstitutional.


Just Jaw-Dropping STUNNING.

LEADERSHIP is about taking care of the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

I have Zero Sympathy for that man & can't help but feel like HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVES.

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