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Door Knocking? Stop Knocking and Start Ringing, Women's History Month Day 26

No April Fool's Joke. Stop Knocking & Start Ringing

ENCORE PRESENTATION. Women's History Month Day 26. In today's world, WOMEN still NEED Ratification of the #EqualRightsAmendment, the reauthorization of the #ViolenceAgainstWomenAct of 1994 PLUS a #HateSpeechBill to protect WOMEN from #HateSpeech at the #Grammys AND the #Oscars

Equal Pay Day for Women was earlier this week.

Income Inequality for Women is my #1 Motivating Factor for opening this Web Page in 2017 & writing my Book, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How To Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," during the 2016 Presidential Campaigns, but that is just the beginning of the myriad reasons WHY WOMEN still need Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

When prospecting Door-to-Door, you never know who is gonna answer that door & how SAFE it is (or not.)

Back in 2018, I did a LOT of Volunteering - for free - for Political Candidates. It was a SACRIFICE I was willing to make for the greater good. When I think back now, all of those Volunteers hours could have been spent EARNING A PAYCHECK for myself.

Please Read Below & Buy the Book HERE.

$7 Digital Download.


Door knocking. Pounding the Pavement. Canvassing. Prospecting. Whatever you call it, it's used in Grassroots Campaigns of all kinds.

Door to Door Canvassing, a Sales technique employed by Political Campaigns, also known as Grassroots Marketing is a very effective method for getting the word out to prospects.

This was the predominate sales model other than Magazines & Newspapers prior to the advent of Radio & TV Advertising, also known as Commercials.

Outside Sales traditionally promoted products like Encyclopedias, Kirby & Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners, Tupperware Parties, Make-up from the Avon Lady & Mary Kay, and yes, even Girl Scout Cookies.

Many refer to this as "Door Knocking."

Can I tell you that I don't "knock on other people's doors?"

Yet my door gets knocked on all day every day & all night too.

This was the biggest factor in what I decided to NAME my Website: the way I learned Outside Sales, Door to Door Canvassing an area 25 - 30 years ago in the early 1990s.

Since then, just about every Outside Sales position I've ever held has employed the Door to Door Sales Model, everything from commercial Business to Business (B2B) for Small Group Insurance for Employee Benefits, to Commercial Electricity sales or Advertising - to Individual Sales of Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Medicare Coverage, Cemetery Spaces, Residential Electricity - you name it .

Generally speaking in Outside Sales, somebody's door is gonna get knocked on.


Learn to treat PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS.

Learn to treat INDIVIDUALS with RESPECT.

Learn to speak with Emotional Intelligence.

Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office

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