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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

ERA Sentinels at the DOJ Need Your Help

Words Matter. Numbers Matter. The EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT MATTERS. Women have myriad number of reasons why the Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment matters to them.

Maybe it's Income Inequality.

Maybe it's Domestic Violence.

Maybe it's _______________(fill in the blank with your hot-button issue.)


It is NOT OK to SLANDER WOMEN in Pop Culture, particularly in Rap Music.

The ladies of Equal Means Equal know how to Protest PEACEFULLY & need your HELP.

Reminiscent of Alice Paul's Silent Sentinels, EME is sponsoring ERA Activists to Protest Peacefully outside the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. from June 10th - to July 4, 2021 or until the National Archivist Publishes the Equal Rights Amendment into the US Constitution.

You can Sponsor a Sentinel to stand vigil here

While you're here, if you've not yet read, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet In YOUR Office." you can get it right here (no need to subsidize Amazon)

$7 Digital Download

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