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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

ETHICS Are on the Ballot This Year. What Would RBG Do?

Ethics are a standard beyond what is merely Legal. While the Supreme Court hears matters of Law, our Government Officials are duty-bound to a standard beyond the Law: ETHICS.

Everything about the Trump Administration has been SO UNETHICAL beginning on the Campaign Trail it's been stunning to watch.

When Insurance Agents like myself who live & die by ETHICAL STANDARDS are held to a higher Standard than our Elected Officials, I have been about to burst a blood vessel for the last 3 1/2 years now.

When people speak of the complete & total lack of Civility & Decency what they are speaking of is Emotional Intelligence, what they are speaking of is ETHICS.

Bullies by definition have ZERO Emotional Intelligence.

Bullies by definition have NO sense of ETHICS.

Where is the Senate Ethics Committee that is allowing Mitch McConnell to turn a blind eye towards everything going on in the Trump Administration?

It is not just power-grabbing Partisan Politics, it is UNETHICAL.

Congress addressed this immediately in HR-1, also known as the For the People Act:

The For the People Act is still sitting in a pile of House Bills that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is UNETHICALLY stonewalling & refusing to bring to the Senate Floor for a Vote.

Yet he is wasting no time in his power-grab for control of the Supreme Court just like he did with Gorsuch & Kavanaugh now that the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg's death has vacated yet another seat on the Court.

Make no mistake, the goal has been to overturn Roe/VSWade in an UNETHICAL attack on Women's HEALTH.

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