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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Glorifying Slanderous Hate Speech Against WOMEN. Ratify ERA

My Mom's Uncle, Jack Brown at his 1st Job in Radio

The MTV #VMAs are tonight which I wouldn't watch even if I still had Cable. Handing out Awards to #Rappers with foul, derogatory #Lyrics is Slanderous #HateSpeech to all #Women & why #FirstAmendment issues are my entire thing. #FaceTheMusic

This is my Mom's Uncle, Jack Brown at his first job in Radio prior to OWNING HIS OWN RADIO STATION in Lincolnton, North Carolina.

WOMEN need the protection of the Equal Rights Amendment for any number of reasons including Discriminatory, Prejudicial & quite frankly SLANDEROUS HATE SPEECH.

This is my WHY for 100% of everything I do.

I am providing Links to Permanent Pages on my Website & getting off Social Media for I while - I just can't stand the viciousness out there.

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