Good News: Biden STILL HAS TIME to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment
Christmas is OVER, FINISHED & DONE for 2024, but President Biden still has work to do before leaving Office. Before we turn the page on the Calendar for 2025, Biden must immediately publish the Equal Rights Amendment into an updated Constitution, ensuring that WOMEN will be treated FAIRLY under all laws & finally granted our FULL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS as US CITIZENS.
The Inauguration of the second term of the Apprentice President is on January 20, 2025.
Biden has almost 3 weeks to fulfil his promise to American Women instead of issuing yet another ineffective Presidential Proclamation like this statement he put forth for the Centennial Anniversary of Alice Paul's Equal Rights Amendment:
I have long supported the ERA since I first ran for public office – and it is long past time that we heed the will of the American people and make this Amendment the law of the land. No one should be discriminated against based on their sex—and we, as a nation, must affirm and protect women’s full equality.
According to a recent statement by the New York City Bar Association:
President Biden has the authority, the responsibility, and the opportunity to direct that the Equal Rights Amendment be certified and published as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The New York City Bar Association calls on the President to do so now – before it is too late.
End the MISOGYNY that has torpedoed the Presidential campaign of every legitimate Female Presidential Candidate since Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Publish the Equal Rights Amendment while you can.
While you're here, get "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" to learn how to live your life with Emotional Intelligence.