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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Got CHRISTmas Gadgets Under the Tree? Get Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy

ENCORE PRESENTATION. Tech tools are designed to make our lives better. Put those Christmas Gadgets to good use with better communication.

Not to repeat myself, but Christmas is over, finished & done for another year.

Learn to treat people as INDIVIDUALS. Learn to speak with Emotional Intelligence.

Itching. Scratching. Sniffling. Coughing.

All are forms of Non-Verbal Communication. How are WOMEN Responsible for this??? We're not.

It's Misogyny.

Bullying has become a Global EPIDEMIC. This has got to stop

Publication of the Equal Rights Amendment would level the playing field for WOMEN who are SLANDERED EVERY DAY with Sexist BULLYING In Pop Culture & Media of all kinds.

Learn to Recognize PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS for Stress-Free & Happy New Year.

Shop NOW


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