Happy Good Friday. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE. The Holiest Day on the Christian Calendar in Celebration of the Betrayal, Torture & Crucifixion of Lord Jesus who rose from the Dead is Easter.
More so than Christmas when Jesus was born, Easter is the ENTIRE BASIS of our Religion.
Ironic that Christianity is built around LIES, BETRAYAL & MISOGYNY.
Beginning with the Book of Genesis where the Devil himself in the form of a Snake lured Eve to the Apple Tree of Knowledge & continuing through the Books of the New Testament in Mathew, Mark, Luke & John in which the Easter Story is related, the sexist attacks on Women just keep coming.
In modern times, the great irony is that these attacks on Women are staged every time we turn on the TV.
These same people will then run to Church proclaiming Amen & Amen & Amen decrying Racist Slurs while they condone, applaud & reward SEXIST SLURS in the most hypocritical fashion possible.
The main premise of "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," is the CAUSE & EFFECT RELATIONSHIP of Name-based DELUSIONS & watching TV.
Watching TV is CAUSING the Mental Illness of millions & millions & millions of Americans "Playing the Name Game" with the TV.
We are NOT our Actors.
We are NOT our Singers.
And we are NOT our News Anchors.
You are CAUSING DELUSIONAL behavior in the viewing Public in the most dishonest way possible by staging lies & it's a problem.
This is the ONLY point I ever agreed with Donald Trump on - & that's the Crooked Media.
As I have said time & time again here, the Crooked Media is what got him "Elected" to the office of the Presidency.
He was 100% correct about the "News."
Is it "News" or Theater if it is being Staged playing the Name Game?
Please read below, have a Happy Good Friday & if you've not yet gotten your copy of "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office", you can get it HERE now.
$7 Digital Download
As more & more Americans get the life-saving Covid-19 Vaccine, Holiday Celebrations are getting somewhat back to normal, Thank You Jesus.
Christians will be observing Good Friday in much the same way the Jewish families celebrated Passover this year: Social Distancing to save lives.
All of Christianity for those that Believe that Christ Jesus was Born, Lived & Died on the Cross for our Soul Salvation is based on the Betrayal at "The Last Supper" as depicted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Betrayed by a Kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane, this is the origin of Christian Traditions of all Denominations from Catholics to Protestants, as related in 1 Corinithians 23-25: below:
23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
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