How Do Prophets Profit? Sacrificial Giving. Publish The ERA
UPDATE. The Official War on Women continues with Sexism in the Church, in Pop Culture & at the Federal Level with some Sexist asshole making April 18th Income Tax Day again, despite the 15th falling on a Friday.
Apparently the excuse for moving Tax Day from the 15th to the 18th of April AGAIN THIS YEAR is that there was some holiday observance in Washington DC & Government Offices would be closed.
Everybody KNOWS that April 15th is Income Tax Day & most Taxpayers should have gotten theirs done well in advance of the deadline.
The "holiday" was the next day AFTER THE DEADLINE on the 16th.
Couldn't your observance of the "holiday" be recognized on Monday the 18th?
Moving the deadline was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.
It is OFFICIAL Sex Discrimination & MISOGYNY.
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The whole notion of Sacrificial Giving was a thing several years ago on Christian TV. One Televangelist in particular had an entire Series of Sermons on the subject of Sacrificial Giving.
It was pretty jaw-dropping to sit through, but it wasn't until one such TV Preacher suggested that this Sacrificial Gift be made on a Credit Card that I got REALLY ANGRY about what I was seeing & hearing on the Church Channel.
This was about the time I decide to speak up & speak out. Why should the Church have Preferential Tax Status & be Exempt from paying anything at all?
I haven't seen any of Houston's Televangelists suggesting a Sacrificial Gift to the Church, as if a 10% Tithing wasn't infuriating enough, but I've really got a Bee under my bonnet over this. This is an Industry-Wide practice in the Christian Community.
That 10% Tax-Free Donation isn't "Free" to us. We are TAXED ON IT.
What a scam.
And it's all LEGAL.
I am seriously pissed off.
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BULLYING is a Problem in America. Like my ideas? Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Like-Minded Individuals to find REAL SOLUTIONS to massive problems like how to Balance the Federal Budget. I'm not building a CHURCH asking for a 10% TAX FREE Donation of your hard-earned Dollars. Join me Here for more information or to give to a worthy-cause: Ending BULLYING