Madam President? Women's History Month Day 4
It is well past TIME to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. American women are still waiting for the National Archivist to enter the Equal Rights Amendment to the books officially making Equal Rights for WOMEN the law of the land.
Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972 & sent it to the individual States for Ratification, giving them a 7-year window to seal the deal. Subsequent Resolutions have extended the timeline for the States to Ratify this important piece of Legislation into their State Constitutions.
January 2020 saw the State of Virginia become the 38th State to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment into their State Constitution, paving the way for the Legislation to become Federal Law. It takes ratification in 2/3rd of State Constitutions in order for the US Constitution to be amended,
Legal reangling in the Trump Administration issued a directive in the Department of Justice tying the hands of the National Archivist - effectively tying his hands & preventing him from Publishing the ERA into the US Constitution in the National Archives - the final step needed to Amend our Constitution.
Why does this matter? Why is the Equal Rights Amendment still relevant?
WOMEN as a Class of PEOPLE are Slandered every day in the Media.
We are portrayed in the most hateful, hurtful way possible with Sexist, MISOGYNY every TIME we turn on the TV - every TIME we turn on the Radio.
Prejudice of any kind is NOT OK.
When we learn to live our lives with Emotional Intelligence, we learn to recognize PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
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