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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Make Discrimination on ACCOUNT of Sex Illegal for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

ENCORE PRESENTATION.. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, yet Hate Speech against WOMEN in Black Music is still REWARDED & APPLAUDED in the most hypocritically Discriminatory fashion possible.

At a time when it is very vogue to decry the need to "Stop Hate Online."


"Stop Asian Hate."


"Stop Homophobic Hate"

Or most famously "Stop anti-Semitic Hate" by the AntiDefamation League.


For the most part, I've discussed this in terms of 1st Amendment, Free Speech and Libel Law issues.

I think it really comes down to the FACT that Black Musicians are "fighting for their quote/unquote First Amendment 'right' to be REVERSE RACIST.

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment to make DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF SEX ILLEGAL.

Extreme #Misogynoirin #BlackMusic is not exercising "Free Speech," it is demanding the "right" to be openly #ReverseRacist.Make #Discrimination on ACCOUNT of #Sex ILLEGAL for #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth& Publish the #EqualRightsAmendment

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