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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

May the 4th Be With Mom. Publish the ERA

ENCORE PRESENTATION. Give Mom what she really wants for Mother's Day on this May the 4th & every day: Constitutional Equality under the Law.

Yesterday's leak of the Supreme Court Draft Opinion in the Mississippi Case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health which would overturn Roe v. Wade had Feminist Activists taking to the streets in Peaceful Protests across the Country at record speed.

But not all Women need an Abortion.

All Women DO NEED the Equal Rights Amendment.

Imagine if we had that kind of turn out for the ERA?

The Equal Rights Amendment would make DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF SEX ILLEGAL, thus protecting Women across the board in all areas of American life.

SLANDEROUS HATE SPEECH against Women would be classed as an ILLEGAL Civil Rights Violation when Women are attacked with the "B-Word" on the Record being called Bitch.

No longer would it be Celebrated by Elected Officials in the most disgraceful way possible.

All while Monuments are being toppled, overturned & Buildings being Renamed BECAUSE OF NAMES.

Last year, we had a local High School, Lee High School RENAMED "Wisdom High School" because the Lee in question was Robert E. Lee.

This while screaming about "Racial Slurs" & attacking Women with the word "Bitch" - a SEXIST SLUR - at the same time!

I say it all the time & I'm gonna say it again, if you don't like Racism don't become Reverse Racist:

Two wrongs don't make a right & I hope the Students at Wisdom High School are WISE ENOUGH TO RECOGNIZE that calling Women BITCH is Reverse Racist.

Women NEED to protection of the Equal Rights Amendment, then Abortion & everything else will follow when WOMEN are RESPECTED.

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