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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Medicare Annual Election Period Begins Today & Women Still Need ERA

The 45-day period between October 15 & December 7th known as Medicare Annual Election Period - or AEP begins today & WOMEN still need the Equal Rights Amendment.

The last time I checked, this country has historically been - & to a great extent is STILL BEING RUN BY MEN, yet Women are blamed for Language, for Numbers, for the ills of Society caused by MEN.

All while the Biden Administration is WILLFULLY DENYING 1/2 OF THE POPULATION, namely WOMEN our birth-right of Constitutional Equality under the Equal Rights Amendment.. Additionally this Administration is engaging in State-Sponsored Misogyny that condones Hate Speech in Black Music that PROFITS by calling Women Bitch - & worse on the record.

I will be out-of-pocket for this election period as this is when Insurance Agents like myself make most of our Income for the entire year.

That Hate Speech isn't just "Free Speech," it CAUSES a Hostile Workplace for Women & can even put our lives in danger going into people houses.

Publish the ERA

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