Mother Nature Honoring Queen Elizabeth II
Heaven has welcomed another Angel home. This double Rainbow appeared above Buckingham Palace as Her Majesty closed her eyes for the last time.
April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022.
I think the most striking thing about this picture for me is that is was not STAGED. It was a spontaneous act of Mother Nature that could not be manipulated by Man.
What a beautiful tribute from Nature for the benevolent Reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom that was Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II?
America is a Democratic Republic not a Monarchy, but #QueenElizabethII has done much for #Feminisim & #Womens equality through out the World as the benevolent Reigning Monarch of this Century.
The QUEEN of England.
I can remember in Elementary School I had to do a project for English or History class to research the origin of our Name. It's funny because I remember initially being let down that Lisa is the diminutive form of Elizabeth. LOL.
Elizabeth also means "God's Promise."
God Bless the Queen & God Save the King.
Best Wishes to King Charles III