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Past, Present & Future of the ERA. Why it Still Matters. Women's History Month Day 28

Writer's picture: lisaannettestanleylisaannettestanley

ENCORE PRESENTATION. Women's History Month Day 28.. This morning, I turned on the TV & ABC News is Reporting an "Outrage" over a Racist Slur "Caught on Tape."



When Ratified, the Equal Rights Amendment will become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. The Normalization of Hate Speech against Women has gotten so bad that even respected Broadcast Channels can utter such Sexist Slurs in Public without Bleeping them.

The Grammy Awards were a couple weeks ago & I had PLENTY TO SAY about those Rap Music Lyrics - they are HANDING OUT TROPHIES FOR TRASH

Hate Speech leads to Hate Crimes & Violence Against WOMEN.

In today's world, WOMEN still NEED Ratification of the #EqualRightsAmendment, the reauthorization of the #ViolenceAgainstWomenAct of 1994 PLUS a #HateSpeechBill to protect WOMEN from #HateSpeech at the #Grammys AND the #Oscars #FaceTheMusic #MarchMadness

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I could go down the list of reasons the Equal Rights Amendment still matters, but I think the most glaring example happened just this week on the steps on Congress.

When ABC News did the story on House Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being verbally attacked by a fellow Congressman, they only partially Bleep the offensive Sexist Slur.

They Bleeped the "F-Word" but full-on said BITCH!!!

The "B-word" is as offensive as it gets.

It is Hate Speech against women.

With respect to what she would teach her children about the incident, she has to teach them about forgiveness & "Turning the Other Cheek."

Forgiveness is not about forgetting.

You get MAD AS HELL then do something about it in a positive manner.

Forgiveness is something you give yourself so you don't get eaten alive with bitterness & anger.

Then you works towards Positive CHANGE.

Like maybe getting the Equal Rights Amendment passed?

Like Maybe writing a HATE SPEECH BILL?

This is why I struggle - no, not struggle, I FLAT OUT REFUSE - when TV Broadcasters ask us to "Join the Conversation" on Racism.

When I know for a fact that garbage like this is viewed as Socially Acceptable - flat out saying the "B-Word" in Public, does anyone recognize that this is exactly the same???

It is.

Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment NOW!

From Women’s Suffrage to the ERA | The Vote | Retro Report | American Experience | PBS

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